About Analytecon


ANALYTECON PTY LTD was created in 2009.  The company’s aim is to provide high-end business, economic and statistical advice and analysis. ANALYTECON‘s business model is based on collaboration with clients and other experts to deliver creative, robust and fit for purpose solutions and tools.

ANALYTECON‘s core strengths are market analysis, risk management, as well as the evaluation of environmental and other policy options. ANALYTECON brings it’s technical capacity to the problems of assessing real world risk that are often characterised by asymmetry and strong correlations, accounting for the regional or spatial aspects of business and policy issues and valuing real investment options.

ANALYTECON is particularly interested in the problems faced in developing new business opportunities and policy approaches and by those engaged in research and development.

ANALYTECON draws on the technical expertise and experience of its director and principal analyst, Dr. Stephen Beare, as well as limited number of independent associates, including Dr. Brian Fisher and Sabine Schnittger.

ANALYTECON keeps to a small current client base but it has included those in agricultural policy, energy supply and policy, international resource industries, publishing, rural and urban water policy.

ANALYTECON makes a point of investing time with a client to listen and discuss how we might approach an issue or question, or if not, where you might find the expertise you need. If you are interested please follow the contact details.